Infinity Educare

why Infinity ?

We at Infinity, a unit of Hiya Computer Academy, the foremost Educational Retail, established in 2007 create dynamic minds to adapt to the fast growing competition in changing scenario of every single day. We feel proud that our efforts have already placed more than 3000 doctors and Engineers as of date.

“Infinity” is the premium overseas educational consultant for students from all over India & Abroad helping them steer through their journey to pursue higher studies in acclaimed Indian & international universities. With over 15 years of operational experience, we are an ISO 2015 Certified company and winner of the Indian Education Awards 2017, under the category of Student Counseling. Established in 2007 and HQ in Kolkata, WB. Infinity counsels the student for admissions in prestigious university/institutes by educating on the admission process, the eligibility criteria, qualifying examinations, fees structure and post-completion of course placement.

Our vision

Quality Education is a birth right to every human being. With this principle our vision is to reach each and every student from all caste, creed, professions and financial stature of the society and help them to meet their dreams by providing them infinite options of Higher & Professional education and turning them into asset for the nation.

Our Associations

For providing best services in terms of quality education Infinity believes in long term association with Universities and strong tie-ups with eminent institutions all across globe, so that our students should feel confident and comfortable on reaching their respective Universities. We are also expanding ourselves in Hospitals, Diagnostic centres, Nursing home and Nursing college , so that we can strengthen our base in Healthcare Industry along with Education. Few of our collaborations and tie-ups are here.

Our Students

who have made us proud

Soumi Charan

I and my family will remain indebted to Infinity and its admission team for supporting me to meet my dream. Today I am pursuing MBBS not just because of my score in NEET but with Infinity’s assistance and guidance.

Samarpita Ray

Infinity guided me from day one and finally helped me to reach my destination. I have been successfully enrolled in BLDE,Bijapur in MBBS curriculum through their constant help and advises

Surajit Bose

Just NEET qualifying score and HS marks were not enough. In most of the Indian pvt. colleges huge money was required too. Thanks to Infinity who helped me and counselled me to take admission in Zephrojhia State Medical University in Ukraine.”

Amarjeet Mishra

Infinity works efficiently towards higher education with certain distinct steps which include Information, Counselling and finally admission. I am very much satisfied with their procedure and even thankful to my neighbour for their valuable suggestion reference to get Infinity as my career coach.

Anchal Labh

I am very happy and also very satisfied for being a student of Infinity. It is an amazing institute for career counselling & guidance. My heartfelt thanks to Infinity!

Sk Abu Musa Nasim

I have qualified NEET with marginal score so the first thing that came to my mind about preparing for next year's examination. In my case it was easy. My brother suggested Infinity so as per his suggestion I got linked with the Infinity platform and found it very much useful. It is a platform specialized with UG admissions in India & Abroad and I was placed in a recognized institution in abroad. Thanks to Infinity team.

Nilova Jasu

I am very fortunate to have Infinity Platform for my UG admission. They have expert Counsellors who are very co-operative and helpful in fulfilling my dreams in becoming a future doctor. The management people of Infinity provide special care for each and every individual student. Thanks a lot Infinity!

Our mission

To become one stop solution for doing Higher Studies in India and Abroad. Where we answer all the discipline queries, providing assistance from application, admission and finally Placement under the same Brand Roof called Infinity. With our expertise of 15 years in Medical Education and Medical Admission in India and Abroad. We want to become Pioneer in creating maximum Doctors for our Nation.
Upcoming Events

NEET UG 2025 Public Notice

NEET UG results out, click the link to check marks

National Testing Agency (NTA) has announced the results of the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test-Undergraduate or NEET UG 2024 on June 4. here’s the direct link to check scores.
CategoryQualifying CriteriaNEET Cut Off 2024
GEN/EWS50th Percentile720-164
OBC40th Percentile 163-129
SC40th Percentile 163-129
ST40th Percentile 163-129
GEN/EWS & PH45th Percentile163-146
OBC & PH40th Percentile 145-129
SC & PH40th Percentile 145-129
ST & ph40th Percentile 145-129

National Medical College

National Medical College was established in the year 2001, promoted by the “National Medical College Company Pvt. Ltd.” under the Chairmanship of Dr. Jainuddin Ansari, an outstanding surgeon who has earned national and international credentials for the promotion of Medico-Social services. National Medical College is one of the best medical colleges in Nepal, in fact the number one among all medical colleges in terms of infrastructure, academic facilities and modern sophisticated medical equipments.




National Medical College, affiliated with the world renowned Tribhuban University, Kathmandu, Nepal and recognized by Nepal Medical Council, is an international institution for Medical Education. The college aims to produce the most competent and knowledgeable medical doctors and Para-medicals for meeting the growing demands of technical manpower of the country in particliar and of the “Global Village” in general. In addition, the college has also in its mission to perform scientific research and provide with quality health services to the sick and the needy. The College is committed to obtain the highest academic place among all the medical colleges in the country by enriching the inquisitive minds of its students with the latest research findings and most up-to-date and advanced scientific knowledge and information on the Medical & Nursing subjects. The College not only equips its students with adequate latest medical and scientific skills and know-how on the subject for performing successflily their duties but also has its mission to nourish and nurture its students in such a way that they always remain benevolent, compassionate and sympathetic to their patients while performing their professional duties, “the Messia has for the sick and the needy”.


National Medical College is situated at the South-eastern Sub-metropolitan city of Birgunj, the commercial Capital of Nepal, along the Indo-Nepal border. The college campus is only 3 kms away from the Indian border town of Raxali (in Bihar State) which is well connected with most major cities and towns of India by road and railway. Birgunj has good road linkage with most cities and towns of Nepal. It is a matter of just 15 minutes flight to Kathmandu, the national capital.


Infrastructure and facilities, in adequate quantity and of high quality, is key factors for a Medical College to attain and sustain Excellency in Medical Education and Health Services. National Medical College has the world class physical infrastructure and manpower, equipments of most advance and sophisticate technology. The college gives utmost priority to develop and have proper management of all necessary facilities for academic, extra-curricliar and recreational activities of the students.


The physical infrastructure of the 1050 bedded Teaching Hospital of National Medical College has been designed and built to suite the international standards with all the essential and desirable facilities. The hospital complex houses many mliti-storied buildings that accommodate the OPDs and wards of the clinical departments, Emergency department, Operation Theatres, Central Laboratory, Blood Bank, Pharmacies, and Canteen etc. Flily furnished residential accommodation has been provided to all the Medical Doctors, Nursing and other Para-Medical staff in close vicinity of the hospital. Round the clock Ambliance, Pharmacy, Blood Bank services are available within the hospital complex. The OPDs of the various departments together have a capacity to treat about 1000 patients daily. The average daily OPD attendance is between 600 to 700. The average Bed Occupancy in the wards remain around 75 percent throughout the year.

Here are some special features of the Teaching Hospital:

  • The Radiology Department has the most advance and sophisticated medical equipments such as Mliti-slicer C.T. Scan, Color Doppler, litrasound, Digital Mammography, etc.
  • The Surgery Department has several super specialty units such as Plastic-Surgery, Uro-Surgery, Pediatric Surgery in addition to the flily computerized Endoscopy facility.
  • The Medicine Department has flily equipped I.C.U., C.C.U., Haemodialysis unit, TMT, Holstar and Echo-Cardiography facilities.
  • The Pediatrics Department has a separate Neonatology Unit with a most sophisticated 20 bedded NICU
  • The Department of Orthopedics has the facility for Digital C-Arm and spinal surgery.
  • The flil fledged physiotherapy centre has the most advance and sophisticate equipments/ instruments.
  • The Preventive clinic has specially trained Doctors & Para Medical staff for the separate units like DOTs clinic, Immunization cell and Counseling cell.
  • A flil fledged Disaster Management Unit in flil preparedness with manpower and materials.

M.B.B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery)

The Curriculum Development and Monitoring Committee of National Medical College has drawn the detail program outline for the MBBS course in strict adherence to the curriculum of Tribhuban University and the requirements of Nepal Medical Council. The Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery program runs over a total period of five and a half years (four and a half years followed by a compulsory rotating internship of one year). Integrated teaching, problem-based and community oriented and community based learning are the key features of the core curriculum for the MBBS program. The phasing of the core curriculum of MBBS program is well designed to facilitate the systematic teaching and learning process. Phase – I : First year:

  1. Integrated Basic Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Bio-chemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology)
  2. Community Medicine.
  3. Clinical orientation (History taking/Communication skill)

Phase – I : First year:

  1. Integrated Basic Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Bio-chemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology).
  2. Clinical Orientation (clinical examination skills)

Phase – II : Third year:

  1. Community Medicine (Applied Epidemiology, Family Health Exercise)
  2. Forensic Medicine.
  3. Clinical Disciplines: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Gynecology/ Obstetrics
  4. Clinical trainging at Teaching Hospital.

Phase – III : Fourth year:

  1. Clinical Disciplines: Psychiatry, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, ENT, Orthopedics, Radiology, Anesthesiology, Dentistry, Accident & Emergency Medicine
  2. Community Medicine (Community and Clinical Experience and field management)
  3. Clinical training at Teaching Hospital.

Fifth year: Clinical Rotation in major subjects with case presentation and seminar.

EVALUATION: The University examinations are held at the end of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and final year.

1st year :

  1. Integrated Basic Medical Sciences.
  2. Community Medicine.

2nd year:

  1. Integrated Basic Medical Sciences.
  2. Community Medicine.

3rd year :

  1. Forensic Medicine
  2. Community Medicine

Final year :

  1. All the clinical subjects
  2. Community Medicine


A student after passing the final MBBS Examination has to undertake compulsory rotating internship of one year (at the Teaching Hospital of this medical college) for which he/she must get registered provisionally with Nepal Medical Council. On completion of internship he/she will be given full registration by Medical Council as per its rule and regulation for practicing allopathic system of medicine.

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Universal Medical College

Universal College of Medical Sciences (UCMS) was established in the year 1998 with the affiliation of T.U and recognized by Nepal Medical Council (NMC) & is considered as the pioneer institute in Nepal in the field of Medicine & dentistry. This college was established for training eminent medical professionals from all over the world. As on today, more than 500 doctors have passed out from the college & are practicing all over the world. The college is located at Bhairahawa in Rupandehi district, Lumbini Zone which is one of the education & business hubs of Nepal, and is near Indo-Nepal boarder town Sonauli (2 km). The college is situated just 15 km away from Lumbini, the birth place of Lord Buddha, which is considered as the main attraction of tourism in Nepal. At present, college is offering MBBS & BDS programs , the College has also started post graduation (PG) program from 2009/10 & at present it is offering MD/MS degrees in 16 specialities. It also offers post graduate degree in dentistry in 5 specialities. At present, UCMS is having 750 bedded multi speciality hospital with ultra modern equipments & renowned faculties from both Nepal & India. The college has always given importance towards the health care of the people of Nepal & their well being. It has always been in the forefront to provide the best medical care. With the history of more than 15 years of excellence in the field of medical education, UCMS aims to maintain the philosphy of imparting quality education & health service for a healthy tomorrow.



To train personnels in the field of medicine both as doctors and paramedical staff so as to provide basic medical care to the population of Nepal and other parts of the globe.

Educational To provide class medical education to the students from different parts of the world. Health care goal To provide excellent health care to the people of Nepal and adjoining areas of Indian at an affordable cost.


The UCMS campus is situated at Bhairahawa, very close to the IndianCity of Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh, which is only two hours drive (100 kms from campus). College is located very close to the Indian border which is just 2 km from Sunauli the last destination of the Indian Border. Sonauli is accessible from Gorakhpur by road, which takes 2 hours journey by car. The Tribhuvan International Airport at Kathmandu is well connected with all major cities of the world including New Delhi. Kathmandu International Airport is also connected with the Indian cities of Mumbai, Calcutta, Varanasi and Banglore. Domestic air carriers like Yeti Air, Buddha Air, Cosmic Air and other more Ailines operate from Kathmandu to Bhairahawa daily.



The Universal College of Medical Sciences,conducts MBBS & PG Programmes, This is the first private college to be affiliated with Tribhuvan University. College is being run on Paklihawa Campus and Ranigaon Campus. Its superior physical facilities, methods of operation and collaborative agreements with the International Medical Institutions, makes it a Campus that a few others can match.

The physical infrastructure of the 1050 bedded Teaching Hospital of National Medical College has been designed and built to suite the international standards with all the essential and desirable facilities. The hospital complex houses many mliti-storied buildings that accommodate the OPDs and wards of the clinical departments, Emergency department, Operation Theatres, Central Laboratory, Blood Bank, Pharmacies, and Canteen etc. Flily furnished residential accommodation has been provided to all the Medical Doctors, Nursing and other Para-Medical staff in close vicinity of the hospital. Round the clock Ambliance, Pharmacy, Blood Bank services are available within the hospital complex. The OPDs of the various departments together have a capacity to treat about 1000 patients daily. The average daily OPD attendance is between 600 to 700. The average Bed Occupancy in the wards remain around 75 percent throughout the year.

The Paklihawa Campus

The Universal Campus is situated in a vast 120 acres of green field land. The facilities that the Management has provided includes modern and fully equipped Laboratories, dedicated Classrooms, modern fully-supervised Library, renowned faculties from India, Nepal, recreational facilities, Anatomy Lab, Physiology Lab, Biochemistry Lab, Microbiology Lab Pharmacology Lab, Pathology Lab, Community Medicine, Seminar Hall, Sports Club, Internet, TV and separate Hostel facilities for boys and girls with 24 hours Security and Canteen serving homely food. The Departments of Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology and Community Medicine have been housed to provide the first two years basic preclinical training for the students.

UCMS teaching hospital (Ranigaon)

The UCMS Teaching Hospital with various departments and specializations shall exclusively be utilized by the students in connection with their clinical studies for the MBBS, BDS, BSc & BN Nursing, B Pharma and BSc LT programs.


Separate hostel facilities

UCMS provides separate hostel facilities for boys and girls. there is a separate PG hostel in the campus. Both the hostels are situated within the UCMS Campus itself. The management is providing 24 hours security as well as communication facilities including telephones, fax and Email. Air cooling arrangements have also been provided in the hostels. Each hostel is also equipped with T.V. in common room.


A hygienic and well equipped canteen is functioning in the campus where food is served to match the tastes of students hailing from different regions and countries.

Education Center

A fully equipped Health Club is operational in the Universal Campus. In addition to that playgrounds are available in the campus for sports like Football, Volley ball, Basket ball, Cricket, and also for indoor games including Table Tennis.

Travel assistance

The Administrative office in the campus assist the students and also their visitors for making advance travel arrangements. The College’s own vehicles take care of the transportation of the students/staff round the clock.The Kathmandu office of the College directly supervise the incoming and outgoing trips of the students including Airport transits.

Campus transportation

The College has its own fleet of vehicles that will commute between the medical college, hospital and hostels.

Campus Security

The College with the help of an experienced and internationally reputed Security Agency in co-ordination with local Police Authorities, effectively supervises the Universal Campus security requirements.

Students’ movement is under the strict supervision of the college authorities. Guests of students will be allowed to meet them only during visiting hours on prior written permission from the appointed authorities

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Nobel Medical College

The Vision of Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital (NMCTH) is to provide quality medical education in a holistic way and serve the various communities of Eastern Nepal. The Mission of Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital (NMCTH) is to promote human health while stimulating innovation as education is provided at NMCTH in a dynamic learning environment in order to develop physicians, medical scientists and public health professionals. They are trained to become leaders in their respective fields so that they can contribute effectively to the advancement of the basic and clinical sciences in medicine through discovery, research, and publication/communication and provide best care to patients and serve the communities. The Goals of Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital (NMCTH) is to produce doctors who are compassionate, community oriented, affective towards the serving society, competent in application of good communication skills, medical ethics and professionalism with sound cognitive domain and efficient psychomotor skills. Nobel Medical College has been playing an active role to fulfill the government plan “Health for all”. The management of Nobel Medical College has been a part in the joint effort of the Government and the private sector to achieve the health indicator targets as laid down in the Long Term Health Plan 1997-2017 by HMG-Nepal through services to various communities.



Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital (P) Ltd., an affiliate to Kathmandu University, was founded in 2007. The college is located in Biratnagar, one of the major academic hubs of eastern part of Nepal. It’s key objective to impart international standard medical education to the meritorious students of Nepal and abroad enrolled for both medical and paramedical courses. Nobel Medical College, Recognized by the Nepal Medical Council (NMC), has constantly maintained its academic standards at par with the requirements of other Medical Councils and Universities across the globe. Our internationally renowned faculties are dedicated to bolster the image of the college in national and international arena. With the contribution of our faculties, we are successfully listed in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED).


The Hospital presently has 900 beds of its own at full function. It serves the patients from various communities of Nepal and adjoining districts of India. It has already started Super Specialty Services with eminent super specialized doctors. The hospital is expected to expand its bed strength up to 2000 by 2015.

• NMCTH is affiliated to Kathmandu University

• Recognized by Nepal Medical Council

• Registered at Company Registrar Office


1. 100% pass result in licensing examination conducted by Nepal Medical Council. 2. 100% passed out result in MBBS final exam 2067- first record in NEPAL. 3. 100% pass result in University Examinations of MBBS, B. Sc. Nursing and other programs. 4. 100% pass result with distinction in B. Sc. Nursing examination 2012 (IInd year exam, Ist batch). 5. Kathmandu University (KU) Top of MBBS final exams by 2 batches in three consecutive years. 6. 900 beds with more than 90% occupancy. The highest rate among the private medical colleges in Nepal. 7. Highest patients flow (More than 1200 per day) among the private medical colleges of Nepal. 8. Highest faculty-student ratio (1:10) among the private medical colleges of Nepal. 9. Second largest Dialysis Unit (kidney treatment center) of Nepal. 10. Well equipped NICU, CCU and ICU services. 11. 10 sophisticated operation theaters. 12. 100 bedded ICU block (Largest ICU in South Asia). 13. Furnished with advanced medical equipments. 14. Separate own hostels with AC furnished for Boys and Girls. 15. Advance classrooms, library, science labs and IT-lab with Wi-Fi connectivity. 16. Affiliated to Kathmandu University 17. Post Graduate Degree: 18. The Post Graduate training program is the latest and foremost academic program of Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital which is started from the year 2013 (March Session). The program is affiliated with Kathmandu University and recognized by Nepal Medical Council (NMC).

Streams of PG Program

Clinical Science including Pathology

1. Internal Medicine 2. General Surgery 3. Obstetrics & Gynaecology 4. Paediatrics 5. Orthopaedics 6. Ophthalmology 7. ENT 8. Radiology 9. Anaesthesiology 10. Psychiatry 11. Dermatology 12. Pathology

Pre-Clinical Science including Forensic Medicine

1. Anatomy 2. Physiology 3. Microbiology 4. Biochemistry 5. Pharmacology 6. Community Medicine 7. Forensic Medicine

Eligibility and Selection Criteria: As per Kathmandu University norms and standard.


The MBBS degree offered by the Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital is recognized by Nepal Medical Council (NMC) and the college is affiliated with Kathmandu University (KU), Nepal. Our internationally renowned faculties are dedicated to bolster the image of the college in national and international arena. Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital is also listed in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED).

Course detail

Total semesters: 9 Year One I semester • Basic Sciences – Unit 1 • Community Medicine • Clinical Orientation II semester • Basic Sciences – Unit 2 • Community Medicine • Clinical Orientation Year Two III semester • Basic Science – Unit 3 • Community Medicine • Clinical Orientation IV semester • Basic Science – Unit 4 • Community Medicine • Clinical Orientation Year Three V semester • Community Medicine • Medicine • Surgery • Obstetrics & Gynecology • Surgery and allied subjects • Pediatrics VI semester • Community Medicine • Forensic Medicine • Oto-rhinolaryngology • Ophthalmology • Medicine and allied subjects • Obstetrics & Gynecology Year Four VII semester • Community Medicine • Forensic Medicine • Oto-rhinolaryngology • Ophthalmology • Medicine and allied subjects • Surgery and allied subjects • Obstetrics & Gynecology • Pediatrics VIII semester • Medicine and allied subjects • Surgery and allied subjects • Obstetrics & Gynecology • Pediatrics Year Five IX semester • Medicine and allied subjects • Surgery and allied subjects • Obstetrics & Gynecology • Pediatrics Internship • One year rotating


The teaching hospital of Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital at Kanchanbari in Biratnagar, Nepal is a 900 bedded hospital with all facilities required for a tertiary care center. With the support of clinical faculty and other professionals, this hospital has been serving patients from eastern Nepal and surrounding villages of India. It has daily patient flow of more than 1000 patients and more than 77% bed occupancy in inpatient services. Faculty and staff from Anesthesiology and Critical Care Department as well as Surgery Department are available 24 hours for pre anesthetic checkup and surgery.

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Gandaki Medical College

Gandaki Medical College Teaching Hospital & Research Centre (P) Ltd. (GMC)” is a health educational institution located in Kaski District of Nepal. It deals with a national priority industry for a medical college and teaching hospital. The project is founded on its own land and is purely Nepalese ownership. GMC owns about 220 Ropanis (1 Ropani = 5625 square feet thus 11, 25,000 square feet) of land which satisfy the mandatory requisites of the affiliating university and the professional council. GMC proposes a 750 bedded teaching hospital with all activity of clinical and medical facilities, thus providing excellent health care facilities.



10 Years Mission of Gandaki Medical College


To become the first choice learning institute for medical education and health care delivery.


Be the leading medical college of Nepal and the most patronized health care facility by all sections of society, especially of the western development region. This is possible due to the core qualities of our company.

  • Visionary leadership
  • Committed and competent staff
  • State of the art technology
  • Integrity in adherence to regulatory standards
  • Exemplary corporate governance


The Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery is a four and a half year integrated program followed by a compulsory internship training of one year. The standards and criteria adopted by GMC are in strict adherence to the requirements of Nepal Medical Council. The first two academic years focus on basic medical science with interdepartmental integration as well as clinical and community correlation. A holistic approach to health and health care system in Nepal is taken. The academic year starts in January.


Charak Hospital and Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. with 301 bed capacity located in Prithivi Chowk, Ward no. 9 of Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City is owned and managed by GMC as its city hospital.

GMC-Charak Hospital currently has 35 specialist doctors and and 24 non-specialist medical graduates providing quality services to the community through 11 departments in the hospital. The hospital is rapidly growing in status and stature.

The MBBS Programme Affiliation & Recognition

The college is affiliated with the internationally renowned Tribhuvan University (TU), Institute of Medicine (IOM) Kathmandu, Nepal for the MBBS Course from the year 2010. The curriculum of IOM is followed by GMC. TU is a public university in Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal. Established in 1959, TU is the oldest of the five universities in Nepal. A huge number of students, approximately 290,833 from all over Nepal and abroad, make it the biggest university in Nepal and 20th biggest in the world. The MBBS degree awarded by TU is formally recognized by all SAARC, Commonwealth & ASEAN countries and is reciprocally recognized by Europe, Asia, Middle East, America, Australia and African continents. MBBS graduates of TU get opportunity for higher education and careers in all these continents.

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Janaki Medical College

In line with national and international thinking of Centre of Excellence in medical education, health service delivery and community health interventions, Janaki Medical College (.1MC) is committed to involve itself through enhanced partnership with local, national and international rights/stakeholders. JMC believes that the triangulation of medical education, health service and community interventions will help develop the technically competent, socially accepted and internationally recognized students, professional, and educators, Through its technically renowned and professionally committed faculty members JMC is stanched to support respective governments to achieve their national and international commitments in medical education and service delivery sectors.



Janaki Medical College (JMC) envisions to help enhance the quality of life of the people through the provision of quality medical/nursing education, health care services and community interventions.


Promote the quality health care services through production of medically competent, technologically sound, socially compassionate and individually confident students.


Develop JMC as a Center Of Excellence Through Medical Education, Health Services and Community Interventions.

JMC seeks to prepare socailly responsible and technically sound medical/nursing professionals in the society not only to pass examinations or profession but also aimas at developing a tolerant, balanced, independent and right attitude of mine and spirit and a desire to serve the patient with head, hands and heart. Its special characteristics is the wide range of activities that it provides with the idea of developing a full personality and to bring out talents of students for developing own benefit and that of society as a whole.


The JMC is put up by a group of medical professional, academicians, researchers, industrialists and prominent professionals with extensive exposure to a wide range of knowledge, experience and teaching/ learning practices. It is committed towards the excellence and innovation in imparting high quality medical education for youth and international community. Apart from this, JMC aims at providing high end health care services facilitating with modem medical technologies


Four and half years and one year compulsory internship after passing the final examination


• Train and develop undergraduates (MBBS) and graduate (PG) level medical professionals with full exposure at the practical level and fundamental theoretical knowledge. • Provide students a wide range of resources on subject matter required for quality medical and nursing education that combines effective skills as well as high level of confidence. • Prepare medical/nursing professionals who could take a lead in planning, organizing, delivering, and evaluating health policy and health care services within the country and in the globe. • Practice and facilitate linkages with national and international academic and research institutions and prepare students for higher education in the field of medicine, nursing and other health related sectors. • Conduct clinical, participatory and community based reasearch related to medicine, public health and bio-medical sciences. • Provide students a wide range of resources on subject matter required for quality medical and nursing education that combines effective skills as well as high level of confidence.


After passing the final MBBS examination, every candidate is required to undergo a one-year period of compulsory rotation internship in an approved hospital. The trainee shall obtain a certificate after satisfactory completion of internship training from the appropriate authorities of concerned.

Medium of Teaching

English is the medium of teaching Methodology of teaching Class room lectures, demonstration, practical training, lab room practice, field visits, seminars, sumposiums, interactions with teachers, hospital practices etc. are the main methods of training students

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Birat Medical College

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Medical Colleges

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TMSS medical college

TMSS is a National level non-Government organization, which is working for poverty alleviation, Socio-Economic Development and empowerment of Women. Under the dynamic leadership of Prof. Dr. Hosne-Ara Begum different projects have been implementing covering all over Bangladesh and health sector program is also a vital issue to develop Human Resources for improvement of health status of the people of BANGLADESH. Under philanthropic organization (TMSS) it is the best private sector Medical College at the northern part of our country and six kilometer north to Bogra town. It was established in January 2008. In this regard, this is a unique programme; hoping it will stand on the top of the list of Medical Colleges, helping the suffering of mankind. TMC offers five year MBBS degree programme; Community Oriented Medical Education (COME), curriculum offered by the BANGLADESH Medical & Dental Council (BM&DC). The construction of new College building and 1000 bed hospitals is in progress and expected to be completed within near future. Presently, the classes are running at the 12 stored Academic building in TMSS Campus of Bogra. Already a modern hospital has been attached as Teaching Hospital for the clinical training of the students before 1000 bed new hospital functioning.



MBBS Course Five Years Course

MBBS Course & curriculum of TMSS Medical College are in accordance with the curriculum of Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council Act 2002 and the rules & regulations followed by the University Rajshahi, the duration of which is five years & one year’s internship training at TMSS Medical College & Rafatullah Community Hospital. Guidelines & norms set by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare; Government of Bangladesh is strictly following by the medical college.

Course Organization

First Professional MBBS Course (Duration is 1.5 Year)

First Professional MBBS Course will be offered during the first 1.5 years of 5 years’ MBBS Course. It is divided into 3 terms, each of 6 months’ duration. The departments of Anatomy (650 hours), Physiology (380 hours), Biochemistry (270 hours) and Community Medicine (70 hours) provide a total of 1370 hours of instructions which include Lectures, Dissections, Practical, Demonstrations and Tutorials.

Second Professional MBBS Course (Duration is 3.5 Year)

Second professional MBBS course will be offered after the first professional Examination and extends up to 3.5 years of the 5-year MBBS course. The departments of Community Medicine (220 hours), Pharmacology (210 hours), Pathology (270 hours), Microbiology (220 hours) and Forensic Medicine (180 hours) provide a total of 1100 hours of instructions which include lectures, tutorials, practical, demonstrations and field visits.

Final Professional MBBS Course (Duration is 1.5 Year)

Final professional MBBS course and will be offered by the Departments of Medicine (1500 hours), Surgery (1585 hours) and Gynaecology & Obstetrics (500 hours) including Lectures, Practical, Demonstration, ward duties.


In class 10 + 2 Baord exam PCB For general caste 50% For SC / ST & OBC 40%

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Bangladesh medical college

The College is recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council since 1986. BMC has been enlisted in the World Directory of Medical Schools effective 1995 published by World Health Organization which entitles the graduates of BMC recognition all over the world. Graduates of BMC are eligible for limited registration with the General Medical Council of United Kingdom. They are also eligible to take the United States Medical License Examinations (USMLE).


College Accommodation

The College and the attached Hospital in Dhanmondi Campus are accommodated in two 6 storied buildings with arrangements for 500 inpatients. The new building of the Hospital, called the Community Welfare and Health Care Centre (CWHCC), is built to international standards. It has an excellent Outpatient Department in addition to Inpatient facilities. The College also has a modern Accident and Emergency Department. The College has recently acquired a large and modern mobile hospital with a fully air conditioned operation theatre, patient examination and treatment arrangements.

Class Rooms

There are 5 large fully air conditioned class rooms with closed circuit televisions for lectures. In addition, there are departmental tutorial rooms attached with the respective departments. The Anatomy Dissection Hall is fully air conditioned. The laboratories of various departments like Pathology, Biochemistry, etc are well equipped with instruments.

Audiovisual Equipment

Each class is provided with overhead projector, slide projector and microphone system. In addition, multimedia projectors and computers are also available for teaching.


The College has a modern fully air conditioned library located on the first floor. The library has a collection of over 6674 books including expensive latest monographs. It subscribes 16 international medical journals on an annual basis. The library has accommodation for seating 100 students and 15 teachers at any given time. The Medical Education Unit (MEU) is attached to the library. MEU has 5 computers for use by students and faculty members. Fax, Internet and E-mail facilities are freely available and are widely used. MEDLINE database (1966 to current) is available on CD Roms and online through the Internet. Teaching materials are also available on CD Rom and videocassettes.

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Southern Medical College

Southern Medical college,Bangladesh- Southern Medical College & Hospital (SMCH) was established 2006 aiming to give nation a group of luminous medical graduates who can help the have-nots by providing highest possible quality of compassionate and cost-effective care and treatment, to each and every patient, producing high levels of patient satisfaction. The main object of the institute is to demonstrate high-standard of medical education, training of personnel and to conduct experiments and research in various disciplines of medical sciences. The aim of our college is not to make only doctors but to make sensible human being. This Medical College is approved & affiliated by Bangladesh Medical & Dental College and affiliated with Chittagong University. Southern Medical College & Hospital (SMCH) was established 2006 aiming to give nation a group of luminous medical graduates who can help the have-nots by providing highest possible quality of compassionate and cost-effective care and treatment, to each and every patient, producing high levels of patient satisfaction. The main object of the institute is to demonstrate high-standard of medical education, training of personnel and to conduct experiments and research in various disciplines of medical sciences. The aim of our college is not to make only doctors but to make sensible human being. The number of medical college is not enough to meet the requirement of people. To make our students dynamic we have already contacted some foreign medical colleges to get real time lessons from reputed medical college through teleconferencing, video conferencing, etc. Our faculties are not only teachers but mentors as well. Our institution has facilities to train Medical and Paramedical staff. We are committed to enhance the quality of life through improved health care, the preparation of those professionals who will serve the health needs of others and the discovery of knowledge that will benefit us all. We cannot deny social responsibility but why did we chose health sector? The ratio of physicians to patients is inadequate in Bangladesh. Moreover, most of the people can not afford the cost of treatment. All around us, humans are suffering from painful bite of maladies of different kinds and we cannot remain heedless to their cries. To fight against the diseases and to cure and comfort men and women we set up this medical college that is equipped with all modern facilities which has a charitable air. Here poor people get the best treatment without any discrimination. Our hospital is functioning quite well. We are planning to make specialized departments in our hospital block. Initially our focal point is to be specialized in Nephrology. So we have taken initiative to set up the facility of Kidney dialysis. It is notable that only two hospitals in Chittagong have this facility but the low income group people do not have the access to this service, but the door of Southern Medical College & Hospital is always open to those deprived people. Secondly, we are contemplating to develop our Orthopedic Department as Chittagong is still lagging behind in this arena. But we never say our way was smooth and throne free but we overcame all the impediments. We will keep our endeavor moving forward but we need people of all social strata, specially parents and students to stand beside us to make this noble effort successful. We believe we can make a better future by co-operating each other.



• To be recognized at home and abroad as a leading and trend-setter institute of medical education and research. • To create LEADERS of medical profession. • To produce competent, committed and caring medical graduates who will be willing to serve the community and at the same time acquire a firm basis for future training and studies. • Develop himself fit for further training and Post Graduation Studies.

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B G C Trust Medical College

BGC Trust University Bangladesh is a private university in Bangladesh, established in 2002. The university is 34 km from the port city Chittagong at a place popularly known as BGC Biddyanagar by the side of the Chittagong-Cox’s Bazar Road. The main campus in Chandanaish, spread over 100 acres (0.40 km2) of land, consists of a private university, a private medical college, a 1,000-bed hospital, a nurses’ institute, a dental college, a college of physiotherapy and an IT institute. The Medical Center of the BGC Trust University, located near the BGC Trust Medical College & Hospital, offers 50% free medical service and free pathological examinations to students, teachers and staffs of the university and also to family members of the teachers and staffs. The centre provides service round the clock, seven days a week, with 50 doctors. The centre has dental unit, eye unit, x-ray department and two ambulances. The centre has a 500 bed accommodation so that students suffering from contagious diseases as chicken pox, mumps etc. may be taken care of in isolation.



MBBS Course and curriculum of BGC Trust Medical College is in accordance with the latest course and curriculum of Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council Act 2002 and the rules and regulations followed by the Chittagong University. However, having an opportunity of its location in the rural community, a community based study module is integrated in its academic and research activities. Guidelines and norms laid down by the Ministry of Health, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh is strictly following by the Medical College.

In 1st Professional examination, the 3 basic subjects are

Anatomy Physiology Biochemistry

In 2nd Professional examination, 5 Para-clinical subjects are

Pathology Pharmacology Microbiology Forensic Medicine Community Medicine

In 3rd/Final Professional examination 3 clinical subjects are

Medicine Surgery Gynecology

The curriculum is a five years course. In which,

1st & 2nd years are for 1st Professional examination.

3rd & 4th years are for 2nd professional examination.

5th year is for final professional examination

Although the clinical classes like medicine, surgery and gynaecology with ward placement start from 3rd year.


Candidates for admission to the first year for the MBBS Degree Course of BGC Trust Medical College. Should have passed the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) or equivalent examination from the science group with Biology.

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University of Perpetual Help System (UoPH)

University of Perpetual Help System (UoPH), is a co-education Institution of higher learning located in Las Pinas City; Metro Manila, Philippines founded in 1975 by Dr. (Brigadier) Antonio Tamayo, Dr. Daisy Tamayo, and Ernesto Crisostomo as Perpetual Help College of Rizal (PHCR). It has nine campuses offering over 70 courses in 20 colleges. The University inculcates the Perpetualite values, teachings and principles. Graduate of UoPH call themselves Perpetualites with Alumni Chapters in Philippines and USA. The institute was given University Status in 1997 by CHED. Chairman of the Board is Dr. Antonio L. Tamayo: Masters Hospital Administration from George Washington University and a Ph. D in Organizational Development. Vice Chairman is Dr. Daisy Moran Tamayo: Master’s in Nursing from New York University, USA & Ph. D in Organization Development.


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AMA College of Medicine

MD / MBBS course for International Students at AMA College of Medicine, Philippines Located in MAKATI, Metro Manila Central Business Area – best location. Affiliated to 3 Hospitals in Manila (Quirino, AFP and Pasay General Hospital). Affiliated to Armed Forces Medical Centre BEST for training in Philippines. Over 1,000+ hospital beds affiliations. WHO Listed & MCI approved. Hostel & Indian Food catering. 2.4 kms from Indian Embassy in Makati & 6 kms from Ninoy Aquino International Airport – Manila. Indian co-ordinator and office in Makati, Manila.


Name of Course

Medical Course – MD equivalent to MBBS, offered by AMA College of Medicine, MAKATI CAMPUS, Philippines for International Students.

Duration of Course

After class 12: FIVE years (1 year premedical and 4 years of Medical education).

After Bachelors:

FOUR Years of Medicine

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Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU)

Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU) – The year 1967, marked the auspicious beginnings of what is to become a premier educational institution in the country particularly in the field of medicine, nursing, and paramedical courses. It all started when Jose C. Olivares, a chemistry professor by vocation but with strong entrepreneurial spirit, and his son-in-law, Dr. Vicente M. Santos, an obstetrician, founded the Our Lady of Fatima Hospital in 1967. It soon became the primary provider of medical services to the residents of Valenzuela and its neighboring towns. With a vision of creating medical complex that will be a training center for competent health care providers, Mr. Olivares created the Fatima Medical Science Foundation Inc., and initially established the Our Lady of Fatima College of Nursing in 1973.


More curricular programs were added in the 1970s including courses in Midwifery, Chemistry, and Veterinary Medicine. More buildings were erected to accommodate the rapidly growing student populace. In June 1979, the Fatima College of Medicine welcomed its pioneer batch of medical students with Dean Filemon T. Gozum, M.D. at the helm of the academic program. Underscoring its civic and humanitarian calling, the Fatima Medical Science Foundation Inc., established the Leonora Juzgaya Scholarship Grant, which bestows free tuition, board and lodging and textbooks to financially challenged but academically gifted medical students. Through the years, the Our Lady of Fatima University has responded to the rapid changes in medical science and technology and the social milieu through constant modernization of its facilities and continuing development of its faculty. From the 1980s through the 1990s the country witnessed the development of OLFU with the inclusion of other courses and programs such as Physical Therapy, Hotel & Restaurant Management, Computer Studies, Maritime Education and Criminology. In 1996, OLFU opened a new campus in Hilltop Subdivision in Fairview, Quezon City that provided the same course offerings as that of OLFU-Valenzuela. The unrelenting and concerted efforts to establish a center of excellence in the medical sciences and other disciplines by the administration, faculty and staff of the Our Lady of Fatima College have finally come to fruition. As an affirmation of the commitment to uphold the highest standard and quality of education, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) granted the College the University status in December 2, 2002 by virtue of Resolution No. 401, series of 2002. Dr. Vicente M. Santos, Sr. was installed as the first president of the University in solemn investiture rites held on December 18 at the main campus in Valenzuela City. After that, the university was granted Deregulated status by the CHED, a privilege given only to selected private universities. With the status of University, OLFU in 2003, offered Bachelor of Secondary Education and Bachelor of Elementary Education. It has since then produced teachers that mentor students in private and public schools throughout the country. In 2007, in answer to the growing demand to establish more OLFU campuses, the administration purchased and developed a 4-hectare area that is now OLFU-Antipolo. The sprawling campus provides the same course offerings as in its sister campuses. In 2009, the Commission on Higher Education awarded the University, Autonomous Status for its accomplishments, adherence to quality assurance, and commitment to public responsibility and accountability as a higher education institution. As an autonomous higher educational institution, OLFU has attained what several educational institutions strive for but few attain. 2009 In March 2009, OLFU was granted by the CHED an Autonomous Status for its “enormous contribution to the growth and prominence of tertiary education in the country and the Asia Pacific, and for its commitment through quality education, research, and extension work.” In the same year, CHED granted the University “A (t) Status” after OLFU applied to the commission’s national program called IQUAME (Institution Quality Assurance through Monitoring and Evaluation) and was recognized as a “Mature Teaching Institution” and the College of Nursing was cited as a Center of Development by the Commission on Higher Education; and in 2010, the College of Nursing was awarded Level III by Philippine Association of Colleges, Universities Commission on Accreditation PACUCOA. 2012 The University expands to Pampanga as it acquired East Central Colleges (ECC) of San Fernando which was integrated into the OLFU System. The OLFU Pampanga Campus will be opened this June 2013. To date, the Our Lady of Fatima University has 4 campuses: Valenzuela City (Main Campus), Quezon City (Hilltop Campus) Antipolo City and Pampanga.

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China Three Gorges University

China Three Gorges University(CTGU) was founded with approval of the Ministry of Education. CTGU is a comprehensive university, which comprises the former University of Hydraulic & Electric Engineering/Yichang and Hubei Three Gorges University, and is one of the key universities which are being constructed in Hubei Province. The history of CTGU dates back to 1923 and it has experienced the construction of “Project 211”. Besides, CTGU is one of the first universities which are conferred the qualification of recruiting international students, and it was awarded as “Excellent” in the Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation of General Universities organized by the Ministry of Education in 2005.


CTGU consists of 21 colleges, 32 programs for postgraduate students, 35 more specialties for master program and doctoral program which are under construction. There are 55 specialties for undergraduate students, which cover 8 fields, including science, engineering, medicine, arts, management, economics, law and pedagogy. There are totally over 20,000 full-time undergraduate students, more than 1,300 postgraduate students, over 400 international students, and 12,000 adult students. CTGU has more than 1,600 full-time teachers, including 833 professors and associate professors, 27 Chutian Scholars and Three Gorges Scholars who are specially appointed as professors, and 375 instructors of postgraduate candidates. Meanwhile, CTGU has employed 268 part-time professors, including 10 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 35 famous foreign scholars, some of whom are Nobel Prize Winners. The university has a total area of 252 hectares. There are 59 various laboratories (lab centers), and the total value of teaching and research equipment is RMB 190 million yuan. The university has 1 national key field scientific observation station, 5 provincial or ministerial key laboratories, 2 provincial engineering technology research center, and 1 provincial key research base for humanities and social science. Now the frameworks of 5 discipline groups, i.e. engineering of hydroelectric energy, hazard protection and environment, computer information technology and control engineering, Three Gorges culture and tourism, and life science and biological technology, have been under construction. The university is located in Yichang City, Hubei Province, where there are worldwide famous Three Gorges Dam, Gezhou Dam, and Xingjian Geheyan Water Power Plant, the largest dam in Hubei Province. There is a long historic culture on celebrities and folk-custom, rich resources of Chinese traditional medicine and special ecological environment. The university holds all kinds of advanced teaching facilities. The campus is so beautiful that all of the students think it is an ideal place for them to study


In class 10 + 2 Baord exam PCB For general caste 50% For SC / ST & OBC 40%

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Wuhan University

Wuhan University School of Medicine (formerly The Hubei University of Medicine) is a medical school in Wuhan University, Hubei, China. Wuhan University School of Medicine consists of several sub schools, including the First School of Clinical Medicine, the Second School of Clinical Medicine, School of Basic Medicine, School of Stomatology, School of Public Health and the HOPE Nursing School. It has 3 affiliated hospitals: Renmin Hospital, Zhongnan Hospital and Stomatological Hospital, and additionally 35 teaching hospitals.


Wuhan University MBBS program is a 6 year program including 1 year of internship in hospital. Curriculum includes Chinese language course(including Medical Chinese). Other courses include basic theory courses and practical courses. The College of Foreign Students Education of Wuhan University is a special organ in charge of the university foreign students enrolment, management, and the Chinese language specialty teaching and training, as well as one of the whole China’s examination centers for HSK examination and the examination for the qualifications of the teachers teaching Chinese language to foreign students. The college, with rich teaching resources and a comparatively higher teaching and scientific research level, has teachers teaching Chinese language to foreigners, including professors and associate professors. Wuhan University School of Nursing invited Project HOPE to assist with the development of a curriculum for baccalaureate, master and doctoral nursing education that will prepare graduates of nursing to be recognized as professionals of high standards in China. Research abroad has revealed that the greatest predictor of positive patient outcomes of health care is based on nursing care by highly educated nurses who are able to teach patients and families how to manage their illnesses, prevent complications and prevent infections. The new teaching approaches in the School of Nursing will involve the student in the teaching learning process with interactive teaching approaches and application in clinical settings concurrent with theory. Emphasis will be on critical thinking, problem solving and communication at all levels. Wuhan University School of Nursing and Project HOPE as a team envision that the nursing education programs will meet international standards so that the graduates will be able to easily contribute to the improvement of health care in China and learn from other countries of the world ways to enhance the health of the citizens. Wuhan University, set up in 1893, lies at the foot of picturesque Luojia Hill by the side of the East Lake, the most charming place of Wuhan, a large city of strategic importance in Central China, and is directly under the administration of the Education Ministry of the People’s Republic of China. The university now has 29 colleges and various branches of learning, including science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, literature, history, philosophy, law, economics, education and management, 85 undergraduate specialties, 189 disciplines and specialties awarding master degrees, 99 disciplines and specialties awarding doctorates, 11 post-doctoral research programs, and a number of the State key laboratories, the State’s discipline laboratories, the State’s engineering technology research centers, and national bases for fostering basic science personnel. (Source: Wuhan University) Admission Requirements 1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens with a valid passport, above the age of 18 and under the age of 30. 2. Applicants shall hold a high school diploma and provide high school transcript with the marks above B or over 70%. 3. Applicants shall have strong competence in English language. Students from non-native English speaking countries must provide the certificates of learning English in the primary and secondary schools or the certificates of English proficiency test. 4. Applicants shall have reliable economic supports and guarantors. Medical insurance is compulsory during their period of study at our university.

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Kunming Medical University

Kunming Medical University (KMU, formerly known as Kunming Medical College) was founded in 1933 and has established itself as the largest specialized medical university of higher medical education, scientific research and medical service in Yunnan, P. R. China. KMU has educated over 80,000 graduates since its inception. KMU has three campuses which occupies about 109 hectares. It has about 15,000 students, of which nearly 2,400 graduate students and 6,750 staff and faculties, 1,450 professors and associate professors. KMU has over 60 foreign scholars as honorary professor and guest professor. There are 17 schools (departments), 12 affiliated hospitals with over 10,000 beds and 69 practice sites which provide a stable study and practical environment for students. Since 1998, KMU has recruited and trained graduate students, undergraduate students, advanced medical training students and Chinese language learning students from over 30 countries and regions.



Undergraduate program (English Medium)

5 years course +1 (Internship): MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery) program in Clinical Medicine.


In class 10 + 2 Baord exam PCB For general caste 50% For SC / ST & OBC 40%

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Jiangsu Medical University

Jiangsu University, situated in a beautiful and well-known historic and cultural city on the southern bank of the Yangtze River—-Zhenjiang, is a comprehensive teaching & research-type university featuring engineering. Jiangsu University is one of the key universities in China and is among the first batch of colleges and universities that are authorized to confer doctor degrees, master degrees and engineering master degrees. Jiangsu University ranks among the top hundred universities in China in terms of comprehensive school-running ability. The origin of Jiangsu University traces back to Sanjiang Normal School founded by such patriots as Zhang Zhidong in 1902. In August, 2001, upon the approval of the Ministry of Education, Jiangsu University was founded by merging Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang Medical College and Zhenjiang Teacher’s College. At present, Jiangsu University has 24 schools, with 280 professors and 850 associate professors, and an enrollment of more than 35,000 students, of whom about 6,000 are postgraduates. Jiangsu University has an area of 203 hectares. The main campus is as beautiful as a painting and has been called “Eastern Suburb Garden” in Zhenjiang.



In class 10 + 2 Baord exam PCB For general caste 50% For SC / ST & OBC 40%

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Xinjian Medical University

International Education College of Xinjiang Medical University Education for overseas students in Xinjiang Medical University has seen great development. Xinjiang Medical University began to recruit overseas students in 1992. In 2001, we began to recruit undergraduate students abroad on a large-scale, most of who came from Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Japan, Korea, Sudan, and Kazakhstan. Approximately 150 students are admitted every year. At present, 800+ overseas students from 18 countries are studying for their bachelor’s, Master’s and doctorate degrees at Xinjiang Medical University.   In order to improve the academic level and management of overseas students, Xinjiang Medical University set up International Education College in June, 2004. An excellent teaching staff with a strong sense of responsibility and a great deal of teaching experience will offer the best possible education for overseas students. The International Education College has not only incorporated advanced educational techniques from foreign educational systems, but also makes good use of its own advantages and characteristics. All subjects can be taught in English. The International Education College has created a unique educational environment for international students, and created excellent circumstances in which every foreign student can enjoy their study and life. It has been listed among the largest colleges in the scale of international education in China.   The International Education College of XMU is in charge of enrolling and educating international students who are determined to learn Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western medicine. The college consists of IEC Office, Student Management Office, IEC Academic Registry, and Training Office. Supported by the solid teaching, researching and medical strength of XMU, IEC trains students in traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, offering six-year undergraduate degrees (bachelor’s degree granting) and non-academic education (3 months to one year training courses). For students from different countries, IEC teaches students in Chinese, English, Russian (only to recruit master’s degree, doctorate), Uighur and Kazak (short-term training programs available).


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SSR medical college


Duration of the courses:

The duration of the MBBS course is 5years divided into 10 semesters of 6 months each from the date of commencement of the course & the duration of BDS course is 4years (8semesters); followed by 1 year compulsory Rotating Internship. The period of 5 years MBBS course is divided into 3 phases. MBBS:        5Years  +  Internship : 10 Semesters of 6 months each.         Phase I        (I to III Semesters)         Phase II        (IV to VI Semesters)         Phase III        (VII to X Semesters) Minimum Eligibility for Admission to MBBS: CBSE/ICSE/State Board Students: Aggregate 60% marks at class 12 in Physics, Chemistry , Biology and/or English South African Board Students: Aggregate 60% marks at class 12 in Physical Sciences, Life Sciences and English Senior Cambridge/A-Level Students: Total 22 Points in Science Subjects & English(Grade A=10; B=8, C=6 & D=4 points)


Post Graduate Courses- M.D./M.S*:

The Post Graduate Courses in 5 specialities of Medicine, Surgery, Radiodiagnosis, Anaesthesiology and Ophthalmology have been approved by the University of Mauritius and by the Medical Council of Mauritius. The Clinical Training Framework Agreement for clinical training of our P.G. students at the Victoria hospital has been signed with the Ministry of Health & Quality of Life, Republic of Mauritius. (vide Agreement dated 13.6.2013). The P.G. Courses are scheduled to commence by August 2013, once the concurrence, which is already under process, is received from the TEC. The P.G. Courses in remaining subjects would commenece in phases.

Minimum Eligibility for Admission in P.G.:

Graduation+Internship+ Valid Registration with the Medical Council in the respective native Country.

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St Petersburg State Academy

St. Petersburg State Medical AcademySt Petersburg State Medical Academy Named after I. I.Mechnikov Founded in 1907, Academy has become one of the leading medical center in the country. Since the inception, it has adopted, as its main principle, a unique teaching methodology, which is based on combination of the best Russian medical educational traditions with methods of Western Education System.


Many students attend the Academy from various countries around the world, which emphasizes the Academy’s excellent reputation. Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy’s policies provide for equal opportunity and affirmative action in employment and admission to all programs of the Academy. The Academy graduates are sought by employers everywhere for their knowledge and reputation as innovators, leaders, and team players. I wish Academy could be a starting point for a challenging professions and prestigious carrier of a medical doctor. St Petersburg State Medical Academy | Medical Study in Russia 2014-15 The SPSMA has a long and proud tradition of educating Russian and international students. More than 35,000 physicians graduated from the Academy. Since beginning the international program in 1947 there have been more than 3500 international graduates from more than 50 countries. Currently there is a total student population of over 5,000. In 2011 the SPSMA was renamed to North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov. Educational work at the University is based on the concept of the multi-stage system of specialists training on the programs of various levels of medical education. There is University education training, training in the programs of higher education, as well as post-graduate training of doctors.University encloses 112 departments, which are consolidated in 9 faculties: Faculty of general medicine (consists of 24 departments), medical-prophylactic Faculty (consists of 29 departments), the surgical Faculty (consists of 13 departments), therapeutic faculty (consists of 15 departments), the pediatric Faculty (consists of 10 departments), medical – biological Faculty (consists of 10 departments), the Faculty of foreign students, the Faculty of education for nurses, health care and social work (consists of 5 departments), dentistry faculty (consists of 6 departments). The Academy campus is located in the central part of the city in a green from spring to autumn wonderful park having area of 40000 square meters. There are 50 beautiful buildings with fabulous architecture on its territory. The Peter the Great Hospital (2000 beds) was built in 1903. Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy (SPSMA) has a long and proud tradition of educating Russian and international students. More than 35000 physicians graduated from the Academy since the years of its existence. At present 4,500 students, for about 800 of them from foreign countries are studying at the University.

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Orenburg State Medical Academy

ORENBURG STATE MEDICAL ACADEMY – Medical Institute n.a. Chkalov (now «The Orenburg State Medical Academy») was established in 1944. categories began at the Department of medical specialty (4 course years). Official founders of the Institute square measure thought-about to be Lazarenko F.M., anatomist, professor; Olifson L.E., chemist, prof; Silantyev A.K, associate professor, surgeon; the primary director of the Institute was Fetisov N.V., surgeon-dentist. Department of pediatric medicine was opened in 1970, a scientific-research laboratory was opened for exploration of mechanisms of natural system. Doctors Improvement school was opened (now it’s referred to as Department of post-graduate coaching for specialists), student’s hostel № three and canteen were in-built 1985. The institute continuing its development in 1990-s, new departments, like Department of upper medical care and Department of preventive care, were opened. The Orenburg State Medical Academy opened three new departments in 2002 (Dental, Pharmaceutical, Department of clinical psychology) and have become a better institution with eight departments.


These days 555 members of scientific and staff work on the Academy, there square measure ninety three Doctors of medication and 298 Associates of medication among them. The Academy unites eight departments within the following directions: medical specialty, Pediatrics, Preventive care, psychotherapy, Dentistry, Pharmacy, medical care and Department of post-graduate coaching for specialists, 56 chairs, preliminary courses for coming into the Academy, internship, residency, post-graduate coaching and better academic degree, four thesis committees, scientific and innovative center of analysis coordination, the clinic, the laboratory of digital instructional technologies, instructional simulation center and different structural subdivisions. MBBS in Orenburg State Medical AcademyBasics of the body and therefore the functioning of the body, the fundamentals of Pathology etc. Faculty students understand within the walls of the 3 theoretical buildings of Academy, inform with the sickness, and therefore the initial steps within the treatment of patients at the most important hospital within the town and therefore the region. Here students get their initial medical expertise and learn the achievements of recent medication.

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Belgorod State University

Belgorod State University Medical MBBS MD MS Medicine Programmes in Russia 2014-15 Belgorod State University: One of the leading Universities of Russia, providing Best education to 30000 student’s with the extensive academic structure of 20 faculties and 1 institute. The Preparatory Department of International Faculty accredited by the RF Federal Agency for Education. Belgorod State University are providing extensive range of Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes with excellent teaching methodology and well resourced teaching equipment’s Along with remarkable Education Curriculum, BSU is providing all students outstanding opportunities for Sport and Recreation. Belgorod State University Russia – Medical Courses Russia Belgorod State University Russia – Medical Courses Russia Belgorod State University: Brief History


During the 1860’s, Reformation period of Russia, many new Industrial and Institutional Bodies developed. Since 1872 economy started rising on education level with the born of many new Institutions and Universities. So as In September 1876 in a small town Belgorod by the order of Ministry of public education the Teacher’s Training Institute was established and so on by starting its journey and after crossing so many developments phases today University proudly stands in the Education Sector as one the established body with high number of students and teaching with excellent Education patterns and infrastructure.

News Flash

Admission Open in Russian Universities, No Entrance Test, Low Tuition Fee, MCI approved Universities, Call us at +91-9810 717555 Admission Open in Russian Universities, No Entrance Test, Low Tuition Fee, MCI approved Universities, Call us at +91-9810 717555 You are here: Home » Belgorod State University | Medical Study in Russia Belgorod State University | Medical Study in Russia Belgorod State Medical University Russia Belgorod State University Medical MBBS MD MS Medicine Programmes in Russia 2014-15 Belgorod State University: One of the leading Universities of Russia, providing Best education to 30000 student’s with the extensive academic structure of 20 faculties and 1 institute. The Preparatory Department of International Faculty accredited by the RF Federal Agency for Education. Belgorod State University are providing extensive range of Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes with excellent teaching methodology and well resourced teaching equipment’s Along with remarkable Education Curriculum, BSU is providing all students outstanding opportunities for Sport and Recreation. Belgorod State University Russia – Medical Courses Russia Belgorod State University Russia – Medical Courses Russia Belgorod State University: Brief History During the 1860’s, Reformation period of Russia, many new Industrial and Institutional Bodies developed. Since 1872 economy started rising on education level with the born of many new Institutions and Universities. So as In September 1876 in a small town Belgorod by the order of Ministry of public education the Teacher’s Training Institute was established and so on by starting its journey and after crossing so many developments phases today University proudly stands in the Education Sector as one the established body with high number of students and teaching with excellent Education patterns and infrastructure.

Belgorod State University

In may 2009 the results of open selective competition of basic Institutions of Higher Education in Russia that make up Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) University were summed up in the Ministry of Education and Science. Competition committee chose the Belgorod State University as one of the three basic Institutions of Higher Education, where students from SCO countries will master the field of Nanotechnology. The SCO University works as system of already existent universities in SCO-member countries (China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Republic of Kirghizia), and in observer countries (Mongolia, India, Iran, Pakistan). Being the SCO University member opened prospects of academic mobility development. Belgorod State University | April 2010 the Belgorod State University was granted the Research University status among 15 major Russian universities. The new status creates special conditions for development. The victory in the competition shows the acknowledgment on the federal level that Belgorod State University can not only put two-level system of personnel training for high-technology and applied researches into practice but also provide effective technology transfer in economy of Russia.

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Volgograd state medical university

Volgograd State Medical University -The Volgograd State Medical University is one of the most famous and highly reputable Higher Schools both in Russia and abroad. It is proud of its highly-qualified teaching staff, advanced researchers and experienced physicians whose names are world-famous


Many scientists of the University are world-famous owing to their great contribution to the theory and practice of medicine. The University has been training international students since 1962. Students from 113 states of the former Soviet Union, Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa have studied at our University. Over this period 3000 physicians, dentists and pediatricians and pharmacists have been trained for foreign countries. Since 2000 the Volgograd State Medical University has got an opportunity to teach foreign students in the English language. LIBRARY & RESEARCH Volgograd State University Library – one of the largest university libraries in the area. Its stock of around 700,000 titles , is of great scientific value and can provide high quality teaching and educational and scientific processes at the university. It offers students and 5 teachers of reading rooms for 418 seats. The pride of the University is the department of rare books, which collects pre-revolutionary publications, documents 20-30 of the twentieth century and contemporary books, representing artistic value. The University Library offers its readers the opportunity to use periodicals (over 500 titles), among which are very valuable reference journals and current bibliographies.VSMU The Volgograd State Medical University has given rise to a number of research and methodological schools and centres. They are the Volgograd Branch of the Russian Academy for Medical Sciences doing advanced research in the field of pharmacology, Research Institute of Rheumatology, the Regional Cardiology Centre, the Regional Urology Centre, etc. HOSTELS Students in Volgograd either live in the university hostels or apartments. First year and pre-medical students are not allowed to live outside the hostels. There are 3 comfortable hostels including apartments with all modern conveniences for students’ study and rest. All the hostels are situated within easy reach from both University buildings and clinics.



The University puts much emphasis on physical culture development and enhancing popularity of sports among students. Several gyms and sports grounds are available for University students. The University rents a swimming pool and a big stadium. Besides, it has a sports camp on a picturesque bank of the Volga where the students can rest and go in for sports at weekends and on summer holidays. The University encourages students to celebrate their national festivals. Spectacular performances with folk songs and dances which are part of such celebration are admired by both students and academic staff. The University staff is very respectful to religious traditions of our students. In the city there are a few Orthodox Churches, a Catholic Church, a Protestant Church, several Mosques and a Synagogue. That means that our international students have the opportunity to follow their own traditions and observe religious holidays.

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